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Your Store:

Food Town Food Town Coronavirus Safety & Response

Normal Operating Hours:
Monday – Sunday | 6 a.m. – 10 p.m.

Set Your Preferred Food Town Grocery Store

Please Note: Weekly ads are consistent across every Food Town. Services and in-store specials may vary by location.


*******PLEASE NOTE*******
Masks are optional for those who are fully vaccinated.
For those who are not fully vaccinated, the CDC advises continuing wearing a mask to help protect themselves and others.


How is Food Town Addressing the COVID-19 Coronavirus?

Food Town is dedicated to providing a safe shopping experience amid the COVID-19 coronavirus. We have implemented precautions to protect customers and team members alike, and to ensure our neighborhood grocery stores can continue to serve communities in and around Houston during these trying times.

Increased Safety Measures at All Houston Food Towns
The health and well-being of our customers, community members and employees is our top priority at Food Town. We have updated company-wide cleaning and safety protocol, with measures including:

  • Team members dedicated to ensuring Food Town follows CDC guidelines for essential businesses and adheres to HIPAA protocol.

  • Screening processes to ensure only those feeling healthy and well are working. Employees who feel ill will be sent home, and their workstations and surrounding areas cleaned. Those sent home are encouraged to seek medical advice and to notify the company of their condition.

  • In-depth cleaning schedules at all 30 Houston-area stores, including workspace sanitization and frequent handwashing for intervals of 20 seconds or more. Team members have access to hand sanitizer and gloves, and plexiglass sneeze guards have been installed at registers.  All Food Town Store Employees have been provided with masks to wear. 

  • Social distancing signage encouraging customers and team members to keep six feet of distance between one another, and regular in-store audio announcements encouraging people to follow the protocol set forth by the U.S. government.

  • Traffic control as needed, on a store-by-store basis.

Waived Rental Fees for Food Town Tenants
Food Town leases space to small businesses at a number of our stores. For those businesses that have closed voluntarily or due to “non-essential” status throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we have chosen to waive rent payments until they are once again able to open their doors.


A Human Approach to Hardworking Employees

We want our team members to feel safe. Those who aren’t comfortable working during the COVID-19 virus are encouraged to remain home. Their future employment with our company will not be affected by decisions made to protect their health and look after their families. For those who have chosen to continue working, Food Town has provided additional financial compensation, along with rewards such as meals served during particularly busy shifts.
As we continue working our way through COVID-19, Food Town is grateful for incredible customers who continue to support our locally owned, independent grocery chain, and to vendors who are working 24/7 to help us keep our shelves stocked. Of course, our dedicated team members are the backbone of our company — and the reason we can continue the work we love. We can’t thank them enough for the hard work they put in during long shifts and busy days to support our Houston-area neighbors.




Food Town looks forward to continuing to serve our Houston-area communities during — and long after — the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re in this together, friends, and we’ll come out of this stronger than before.


Open 7 days a week: 6 a.m. - 10 p.m.

30 Houston-Area Locations