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Food Town Make Someone’s Day with a Surprise DIY Gift Basket!

Have you heard about surprise gift basket trend that’s been making its way around Houston? In these socially-distanced times we’re living in, some people have taken to loading down gift baskets with all sorts of goodies, leaving them on doorsteps for an unsuspecting friend, loved one or stranger to find — then ringing the bell. The result? An instantly brighter day. This is a trend your friends at Food Town can really get behind, neighbor! We’ve put our heads together to bring you some of our favorite tips and tricks for creating a basket that’s sure to spread smiles.

Tailor Your Basket to its Recipient
If you’ve ever opened a gift and thought “this really isn’t my style…” you know it can be disappointing. Hedge your bets by putting a little added thought into things. Are there kids in the house? Incorporate art supplies, storybooks and snacks Mom and Dad might not always let them splurge on. Is your basket going to an adults-only household? A variety of drinks, along with some snacks, mixers — and maybe even a fun tumbler — can really amp up an at-home happy hour. Giving something to a family dealing with distance learning? A bottle of wine for Mom and Dad and those aforementioned gifts for the kiddos can help take the headache out of home schooling.

Remember, Options Are Awesome
The best aspect of the DIY gift basket is the fact that the opportunities are endless! Yummy snacks like popcorn and candy — and maybe even a favorite movie — help create an at-home theater experience. Meanwhile, beauty products, bubble bath and other spa-inspired add-ins are always a welcome treat. Additions like bubbles, puzzle books or even home décor items can upgrade any basket to a full-on experience. (Wanna give things a truly 2020 spin? Include hand sanitizer and a face mask!)

Think About the Presentation
So, you’ve got a ton of great gifts — and the basket, too. A few finishing touches can make all the difference. Fill out empty spaces with fluffed-up tissue paper and add some confetti for good measure. A couple of balloons or a brightly colored bow can also lend to the festive atmosphere. Want your recipient to know who gifted them this great surprise? Include a card! A quick handwritten note adds a personal touch to the fun.

Keep Temperatures Top of Mind
One of the quickest ways to shift your recipient’s response from “Ah!” to “Ohh…” is to gift a basket filled with items that couldn’t quite stand up to the Texas sun. Sticky candies, gooey cheeses and melted candles will all lead to bit of a letdown. Meanwhile, items such as meats or mayonnaise-based dips could result in food poisoning. Take care to ensure that your DIY gift basket will make its way to an air-conditioned indoor space immediately. Or, if it’s bound to remain outside for a while, that its contents make sense for the climate.

We love seeing all the fun ways people are spreading joy with these gifts — whether they’re “boo baskets” for Halloween or simple “just-because” leave behinds. And we’ve got all sorts of great finds to help make yours something special. Stop by your neighborhood Food Town for all your gift basket needs. We can’t wait to see you!

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Monday – Sunday | 6 a.m. – 10 p.m.

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Make Someone’s Day with a Surprise DIY Gift Basket!

Have you heard about surprise gift basket trend that’s been making its way around Houston? In these socially-distanced times we’re living in, some people have taken to loading down gift baskets with all sorts of goodies, leaving them on doorsteps for an unsuspecting friend, loved one or stranger to find — then ringing the bell. The result? An instantly brighter day. This is a trend your friends at Food Town can really get behind, neighbor! We’ve put our heads together to bring you some of our favorite tips and tricks for creating a basket that’s sure to spread smiles.

Tailor Your Basket to its Recipient
If you’ve ever opened a gift and thought “this really isn’t my style…” you know it can be disappointing. Hedge your bets by putting a little added thought into things. Are there kids in the house? Incorporate art supplies, storybooks and snacks Mom and Dad might not always let them splurge on. Is your basket going to an adults-only household? A variety of drinks, along with some snacks, mixers — and maybe even a fun tumbler — can really amp up an at-home happy hour. Giving something to a family dealing with distance learning? A bottle of wine for Mom and Dad and those aforementioned gifts for the kiddos can help take the headache out of home schooling.

Remember, Options Are Awesome
The best aspect of the DIY gift basket is the fact that the opportunities are endless! Yummy snacks like popcorn and candy — and maybe even a favorite movie — help create an at-home theater experience. Meanwhile, beauty products, bubble bath and other spa-inspired add-ins are always a welcome treat. Additions like bubbles, puzzle books or even home décor items can upgrade any basket to a full-on experience. (Wanna give things a truly 2020 spin? Include hand sanitizer and a face mask!)

Think About the Presentation
So, you’ve got a ton of great gifts — and the basket, too. A few finishing touches can make all the difference. Fill out empty spaces with fluffed-up tissue paper and add some confetti for good measure. A couple of balloons or a brightly colored bow can also lend to the festive atmosphere. Want your recipient to know who gifted them this great surprise? Include a card! A quick handwritten note adds a personal touch to the fun.

Keep Temperatures Top of Mind
One of the quickest ways to shift your recipient’s response from “Ah!” to “Ohh…” is to gift a basket filled with items that couldn’t quite stand up to the Texas sun. Sticky candies, gooey cheeses and melted candles will all lead to bit of a letdown. Meanwhile, items such as meats or mayonnaise-based dips could result in food poisoning. Take care to ensure that your DIY gift basket will make its way to an air-conditioned indoor space immediately. Or, if it’s bound to remain outside for a while, that its contents make sense for the climate.

We love seeing all the fun ways people are spreading joy with these gifts — whether they’re “boo baskets” for Halloween or simple “just-because” leave behinds. And we’ve got all sorts of great finds to help make yours something special. Stop by your neighborhood Food Town for all your gift basket needs. We can’t wait to see you!

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OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK: 6 a.m. - 10 p.m.

28 Houston-Area Locations