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Food Town Cupcake Rose Bouquet

  • 1 package Pillsbury™ Funfetti® Premium Cake Mix
  • Additional ingredients to prepare cake mix per Egg White Recipe package instructions
  • 2 containers Pillsbury™ Creamy Supreme® Strawberry Flavored Frosting
  • Fresh mint sprigs and leaves, for garnish
  1. Line 18 muffin cups and 12 mini muffin cups with paper baking cups.
  2. Prepare cake mix according to Egg White Recipe package instructions using water, oil and egg whites. Divide into prepared baking cups and mini baking cups. Bake and cool according to package instructions, reducing bake time for mini cupcakes to 11 to 12 minutes.
  3. Spoon frosting into large pastry bag fitted with large open star tip. Beginning at center of cupcakes, pipe frosting in a tight, circular pattern, gradually moving toward outside edge. Arrange cupcakes in decorative bowl(s) or other container(s) to resemble a bouquet. Garnish with mint sprigs and leaves.

Normal Operating Hours:
Monday – Sunday | 6 a.m. – 10 p.m.

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Please Note: Weekly ads are consistent across every Food Town. Services and in-store specials may vary by location.

Cupcake Rose Bouquet

  • 1 package Pillsbury™ Funfetti® Premium Cake Mix
  • Additional ingredients to prepare cake mix per Egg White Recipe package instructions
  • 2 containers Pillsbury™ Creamy Supreme® Strawberry Flavored Frosting
  • Fresh mint sprigs and leaves, for garnish
  1. Line 18 muffin cups and 12 mini muffin cups with paper baking cups.
  2. Prepare cake mix according to Egg White Recipe package instructions using water, oil and egg whites. Divide into prepared baking cups and mini baking cups. Bake and cool according to package instructions, reducing bake time for mini cupcakes to 11 to 12 minutes.
  3. Spoon frosting into large pastry bag fitted with large open star tip. Beginning at center of cupcakes, pipe frosting in a tight, circular pattern, gradually moving toward outside edge. Arrange cupcakes in decorative bowl(s) or other container(s) to resemble a bouquet. Garnish with mint sprigs and leaves.

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OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK: 6 a.m. - 10 p.m.

28 Houston-Area Locations